The EduCampus model has three main components that overlap at every point:
formal curriculum
non-formal curriculum
informal curriculum
Through these overlaps, we induce connectivism, humanism, and social constructivism into the development of our students.
The EduCampus Model and its implementation processes are designed by Stephanie G.D. Croes. The design is based on design thinking and system thinking principles. The Model focuses on the personalized education and journey of all students and stakeholders involved. The Model is updated every 6 months to maintain its actualized and innovative nature. EduCampus Aruba is currently in Model 9, which is its prototyping semester in preparation for Model 10 that starts in August 2024.
The accredited and recognized formal curriculum is delivered through online platforms and driven by automation and learning analytics. What is considered the formal learning happens through our digital learning systems, provided by Imagine Learning Excellence Academy. Due to our use of these digital learning systems, the student as well as the parent and team can follow a student's progress through every step and support where necessary without needing to wait. Your child will receive Mathematics, Language Arts, Science, and Social Science throughout their entire trajectory at EduCampus Aruba through this formal curriculum.
The non-formal curriculum is designed in the context of personal development and innovation, sustainability, cultural heritage, multilingualism, and civic engagement. Design Thinking principles are applied throughout the design process of the non-formal curriculum. The non-formal curriculum has courses such as coding, entrepreneurship, sculpting, writing, local and foreign languages, sports, participation clubs, and more, delivered through elective book, which can be found here.
The informal curriculum is curated by our professionals and stakeholders according to the sustainable development goals and contribute to the edification based on the highest forms of human expression as focal point. Our entire campus space, both physically and virtually, exists as an informal learning setting for our students where interaction and self-direction are the drivers of knowledge sharing.