Frequently Asked Questions

How do I enroll my child?
Do you have a phone number I can call?
Is EduCampus Aruba accredited?
How much does EduCampus Aruba cost?
Does EduCampus Aruba comply with the leerplicht law?
Will my child be eligible for Arubalening?
Can my child attend tertiary education in the Netherlands?
What diploma will my child graduate with?
Can my child finish with a MAVO equivalent diploma?
Can I attend EduCampus Aruba after graduating from MAVO?
Can provisions be made for my athlete child?
Does my child have to go to campus every single day?
What is a hybrid student? 
What is the language of instruction at EduCampus Aruba?
Will my child be able to follow a language course such as Dutch or Spanish?
What local electives are currently being offered?
What platforms does EduCampus Aruba work with?
Can a student be enrolled anytime during the year?
Where is EduCampus Aruba located?
Does my child need to be online at specific hours for school?
What is your admissions process like?
Is EduCampus Aruba a public or private school?
Do you sign or help with immigration papers?
I'm still a little lost!
I have a question that hasn't been answered here.