By sending us an email.
There is a waitlist for the 2025 – 2026 academic year. If you are interested in adding your child’s name to the waitlist, please send us the following info:
- student age
- student’s previous school and current level
- reason for transfer
Be sure to include all this information when you Contact Us.
Please note that enrollment for the 2024 – 2025 academic year is closed.
Yes. We are accredited through Cognia. You can see our accreditation document by clicking here.
For a comprehensive explanation of how to calculate the total cost of attendance, please visit the Admissions page.
Yes, we do.
We have alumni in both the Netherlands and the USA that are currently receiving Arubalening.
Yes, as well as many other countries such as Canada and the USA.
Your child will graduate with an American high school diploma.
Depending on the graduation plan that we create with you and the learner, the level will be an equivalent to a HAVO or VWO diploma.
No. All of our diplomas are at the level of either a HAVO or VWO equivalent diploma.
Yes! We will assess your previous diploma and school reports and develop a graduation plan with you.
Absolutely! Please see our Talent page for some information or Contact Us if you have more specific questions.
It depends on each child and their best environment for learning. Together with you and your child, we will determine a weekly schedule that works best for your child.
Below you will find some general advice for Hybrid students, however each schedule is personalized to the child and can vary from what we have written below.
Pre-Middle School Unit: We recommend a minimum of 4 days a week attendance on campus to ensure oversight of progress and for your child to benefit from in-person structural learning disciplines.
Middle School Unit: We recommend a minimum of 4 or 3 days a week on campus. The days that your child is not on campus, we expect them to work from home or wherever they may be.
Junior High / High School Unit: Once our students reach high school, they have a level of discipline and self-mastery that will allow them to work on course load anywhere and in the final few years at EduCampus Aruba, it has become quite common for students to come in only twice or three times a week.
The beauty of our system is that your child can take their learning anywhere and are not restricted to our physical campus.
Learners who come to campus a minimum of one (1) day a week are considered "hybrid" students.
You may also choose for the option of your child to be an "off-campus" student. In this case, they will not come to campus and will only be on campus for mentoring or special events.
We offer in-person Dutch, Spanish, and English Writing courses, as well as French, Chinese, German, Latin, AP French, and AP Spanish through our online platforms.
To see the full courselist, click here.
Our platform provider is Imagine Learning Excellence Academy.
Please note that while we allow parents to choose a platform that differs from ours, all platforms used by students at EduCampus Aruba must meet local and international quality standards.
Yes. While we recommend students matriculate at the start of a semester (September or February), enrollment is possible at any point throughout the year.
We are located in the Main Street of Oranjestad at Caya G.F. Betico Croes 65.
We are housed in the former Bon Bini Bazar building.
No, but.
EduCampus Aruba works with online platforms that are asynchronous. What this means is that it is student-paced. Your child can log into the system any time of the day and complete lessons. The system offers great flexibility and we have had students who work at all hours of the day depending on when their learning rhythm thrives.
However, local electives offered as part of our non-formal curriculum are not online, but in-person courses. That means your child will need to come to campus to follow these courses at set times.
We believe in personalized education, which starts at admission. Once you have expressed interest in enrolling your child at EduCampus Aruba, you will receive preliminary information regarding our methods and educational system.
After that, prospective students will complete an adaptive testing phase, which is followed by an invitation for a personal, explorative conversations where we determine whether our model is the right fit for your child.
For more information regarding this process, please see our Admissions page.
EduCampus Aruba is both public and private. We receive some support from the government, but parents pay for the platform/core curriculum of their child.
That's understandable! If you're more comfortable with a personal conversation or have questions that aren't addressed here, please feel free to Contact Us.
If you still have other questions or specific inquiries, please Contact Us.